It is a Daedric quality weapon with Daedric arrows – its power is comparable to the Daedric Bow after the upgrade.It’s the bow with the third highest DPS in the game.

It is weightless (being an ethereal bow).The arrows that come with this bow (Bound Arrows) have damage rating of 24 – basically, they are equal to the Daedric ones in this regard.

It has a base damage of 18, which can be increased up to 24, if you use a Mystic Binding perk. You can cast it for 120 seconds, and you will get an ethereal version of the Daedric Bow and 100 ethereal Daedric Arrows per each cast. The easiest way to describe it is to summarize the fandom’s article: the Bound Bow is a Conjuration spell of an Adept level.